English (US)Emma
English (UK)Aditi
Hindi (Indian)Mia
Spanish (Mexico)Ruben
Dutch (Netherlands)Tatyana
PortuguesePDF/Word/Text to Mp3
Yes! This is real , you can convert your documents to MP3 and listen at your convenience
Multi language support
Multiple languages/voices/accent are available. Which includes advanced premium voices (High quality voices using the most modern AI technology , Its sounds like a real human)
Access your converted MP3 at anytime. XpressCue keeps track of your listening.
Save your audio & documents in the cloud for a later retrieval
Chrome Extension & Web App are in 100 Sync. Text to Mp3 conversions you performed via Chrome extension are available in your account right away
You didn't like it ? Cancel the subscription in a button click. You will receive the pro-rated amount back. No questions asked!
- 60 mins audio/day
- Chrome browser Plugin
- PDF/Word to audio
- Language translator
- Text to audio tool
- Language translator tool
- Save History for 1 month
- Premium(Advanced AI) voices
- Download Audio
- Multi language voices
- 50 Hr audio/month
- Chrome browser Plugin
- PDF/Word/Text to Audio
- Language translator
- Text to audio tool
- Language translator tool
- Save History for 3 months
- Premium(Advanced AI) voices
- Download Audio
- Multi language voices
- 100 Hr audio/month
- Chrome browser Plugin
- PDF/Word/Text to Audio
- Language translator
- Text to audio tool
- Language translator tool
- Save History for 6 months
- Premium(Advanced AI) voices
- Multi language voices
- 60 mins audio/day
- Chrome browser Plugin
- PDF/Word to audio
- Language translator
- Text to audio tool
- Language translator tool
- Save History for 1 month
- Premium(Advanced AI) voices
- Download Audio
- Multi language voices
- 50 Hr audio/month
- Chrome browser Plugin
- PDF/Word/Text to Audio
- Language translator
- Text to audio tool
- Language translator tool
- Save History for 3 months
- Premium(Advanced AI) voices
- Download Audio
- Multi language voices
- 100 Hr audio/month
- Chrome browser Plugin
- PDF/Word/Text to Audio
- Language translator
- Text to audio tool
- Language translator tool
- Save History for 6 months
- Premium(Advanced AI) voices
- Multi language voices
Frequently Asked Queries
Can I download the audio file
Yes , Audio file can be downloaded and shared as long as the content owner (ex: PDF e-book) allow you to do that.
How can I use the app to read any webpage.
Install our chrome plugin Download plugin in your Chrome browser. When you right click & select any webpage content you will have an option in the menu with XpressCue logo. Click on it to read the content without changing your page. Here is an example
Does XpressCue save my document file ?
We do not save or keep your file unless your explicitly do so by changing the save document button while uploading your file. By default the save document is disabled. Saving files and content incur cost , do we not want to pay extra server cost . So we do not keep track of your file.
How about PDF/documents with images (OCR reading) instead of text ?
Not yet , XpressCue can't process PDFs/document with images instead of text. We are working on OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature to support this.
Can I recover an audio file or document once its deleted.
No, there is no way to recover a deleted file. There is no copy of the file left in the server.